Feel free to send me a message

One of the best things in life is meeting new people. I quickly feel involved and contact with me is always personal and informal. You can ask me questions day and night via WhatsApp, e-mail or telephone – which you find most comfortable. Feel free to send me a message with as many details as possible about your wedding day.


Contact Tessa Bruggink Wedding Photography
Vijverlaan 172
3319 SV Dordrecht
Call: 06-40566538
Mail: [email protected]

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Hi, leuk om van je te horen! 👋

Ik hoor graag over jullie plannen, dus voel je vrij om een berichtje te sturen.

Liefs, Tessa

---------------- ENGLISH----------------

Hi, I am glad you are here! 👋

I'd love to hear all about your plans, so please feel free to reach out.

Love, Tessa